product details
Return and exchange notice
🥛無痕素面牛奶絲-敏感肌必購 | 最大去到115E
✅ 24-hour wearable underwear
⚜️Product design from Japan | 哺乳媽媽or孕期特別推薦
Size由M到8L( 70BCDE - 115BCDE )
大🍑小🍑 都一樣涵蓋到,薄可加可拆墊絕對唔會飛釘走光,全杯防布袋胸彎腰漏奶。
⭐️ 無鋼圈+超舒服牛奶絲+棉杯,敏感肌或者濕疹都可以放心入手~夏天著布感冰冰涼涼好爽,布質亦都做到吸汗又透氣完全唔悶熱,大面積牛奶絲背布,著起身感覺更無束縛,真正做到零著感。
🤱🏻對於孕期同哺乳期嘅sis都超nice👍 餵奶輕輕一拉就可以,單手操作無壓力。方便又實用。
$ 399 ( Top )
$ 379 ( Top )
$ 60
✅M - 8L
✅ 建議:70(32)BCDE - 115(50)BCDE
💬Whatsapp :
🏡門市地址 :
🕰️營業時間:14:00 - 20:00
📌Ps. 堅持一對一服務 絕對唔尷尬,店員唔會Hea 所以暫時不接受Walk-in 記得預約咗再上嚟喔😉🫱🏻🫲🏼
The shop owner promises that if the goods in our shop do not match the size, there is no upper limit on the number of code changes, and they are guaranteed to be changed until they fit. Only after the test does not fit), you can arrange an exchange within one week.
If it is unreasonable, our store reserves the right to refuse any request for return.
In case of any disputes, the company reserves the right of final decision.