《 Soft Silk 》法式三角杯 93%桑蠶絲 素面無痕 幼帶無鋼圈 有墊薄杯 Comfortable bra 內衣
《 Soft Silk 》法式三角杯 93%桑蠶絲 素面無痕 幼帶無鋼圈 有墊薄杯 Comfortable bra 內衣
《 Soft Silk 》法式三角杯 93%桑蠶絲 素面無痕 幼帶無鋼圈 有墊薄杯 Comfortable bra 內衣
《 Soft Silk 》法式三角杯 93%桑蠶絲 素面無痕 幼帶無鋼圈 有墊薄杯 Comfortable bra 內衣
《 Soft Silk 》法式三角杯 93%桑蠶絲 素面無痕 幼帶無鋼圈 有墊薄杯 Comfortable bra 內衣
《 Soft Silk 》法式三角杯 93%桑蠶絲 素面無痕 幼帶無鋼圈 有墊薄杯 Comfortable bra 內衣
《 Soft Silk 》法式三角杯 93%桑蠶絲 素面無痕 幼帶無鋼圈 有墊薄杯 Comfortable bra 內衣
《 Soft Silk 》法式三角杯 93%桑蠶絲 素面無痕 幼帶無鋼圈 有墊薄杯 Comfortable bra 內衣

《 Soft Silk 》法式三角杯 93%桑蠶絲 素面無痕 幼帶無鋼圈 有墊薄杯 Comfortable bra 內衣

-本店選用順豐快遞 買滿HK$888即免運費 折扣碼:5HK9588WMKGK
顏色: Black
大小: M
product details

✅93%Silk桑蠶絲  ✅7% Spandex氨綸


但就自帶貴氣 BlingBling✨

著上身滑到好似無著咁 又滑又親膚


V-neck triangular cup bra 本身有型三角杯






$  250 ( Top )


$  230 ( Top )

🩲NoPanty :


ColourBlack , Champagne , Gray


建議尺碼( 70 )32AB - ( 75 )34AB


建議尺碼( 75 )34AB - ( 80 )36AB


建議尺碼( 80 )38AB - ( 85 )38AB



💬Whatsapp : https://wa.me/85295349945

🏡門市地址 : 


🕰️營業時間:14:00 - 20:00

📌Ps. 堅持一對一服務 絕對唔尷尬,店員唔會Hea  所以暫時不接受Walk-in  記得預約咗再上嚟喔😉🫱🏻‍🫲🏼

Return and exchange notice

The shop owner promises that if the goods in our shop do not match the size, there is no upper limit on the number of code changes, and they are guaranteed to be changed until they fit. Only after the test does not fit), you can arrange an exchange within one week.

If it is unreasonable, our store reserves the right to refuse any request for return.

In case of any disputes, the company reserves the right of final decision.